We all want our children to be able to easily communicate their emotions with us, come to us when they need support or advise. How do we build that kind of communication? Here is one suggestion:

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Sensory Balancing – In Person and via Telehealth

Sensory Balancing

Why are some of us allergic to dust while others are sensitive to pollen? why do some kids react to loud sounds as though someone has turned on the volume 10X? why do some break out in eczema after every stressful event? why do some people have sleep issues that no supplement is able to resolve? what is in common with sensory processing disorder and the other issues described above?

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How can I help you?

Prenatal Care

* First Trimester: Nausea, Anxiety *Second Trimester: Sleep, Anemia, Heartburn,   *Third Trimester: Back Pain, Sleep, Hemorrhoids, Breech Baby, Labor Prep  *Fourth Trimester – Fatigue, Breast-milk supply, Sleep, Baby Blues

Prenatal Care

Sleep, Hormonal Imbalance, Digestive Issues, Mood Disorders, Anxiety, Fibromyalgia, PMS, Migraines, Seasonal Allergies, Fatigue, Postpartum Support


Behavior Issues, Anxiety, Sleep Gas/Colic/Reflux, Recurring Ear Infections, Food Sensitivities, Seasonal Allergies, ADD/ADHD, SPD, Constipation, Diarrhea, Misophonia


Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

Behavior issues, Anxiety, Bumping into things, Sensitivity to smell, sensitivity to lights, sensitivity to sounds, Nocturnal Enuresis (Bed-wetting), Emotional regulation


When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

Lao Tzu





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