My patients know that I am not big on “protocols” as every case is unique and requires a different approach. I choose the points according to my diagnosis which includes pulse/tongue but also observation, kinesiology and palpation. These tools gives me a sneak preview of the “story”. And that guides me to choosing the questions accordingly to bring the “story” to our awareness,  so we could talk about it, think about it and process it, which is a big step in preparing for labor. When teaching my workshop in Doula training, I instruct birth-workers to listen for the “story” as that would be their guide to choosing beneficial points. Now a days when I mostly use Telehealth, I am often using mainly the “story” as well. You could see 10 different practitioners and each one would choose a different point or combination of points for the same patient, as each of us has their own way of interpreting situations and points.  I have chosen some of my favorite acupressure points for labor preparation to share with you.

In most of the cases, my focus is on the emotion that is out of balance and the relevant element that is affected by that emotion (Read more about the 5 elements HERE).

Acupressure Points in Accordance to the Relevant Emotion: 

Anger/Frustration/Stress - Wood Element


  • Stress over paying both the midwives of the home birth and the hospital if delivery doesn’t begin before a certain date. 
  • Stress over completing tasks at work while organizing all the baby stuff along with preparing and freezing food for once baby is born
Relevant Point/s

Useful when there is “trapped” stress/anger/frustration. Helps alleviate the “stuck” emotion that in turn causes the energy to feel “trapped”

Not allowed during pregnancy – only once it’s time to naturally promote labor.

The point is located between the big toe and the second toe behind the metatarsal joint).  Apply pressure for at least 10 second and up to about a minute. I usually advise pressing between once a day and every 2 hours. *for help locating – Liv3 Acupressure point on YouTube 

Acupressure point for constipation

Great for frustration combined with Low back pain and a sensation that everything is physically “stuck” in the lower back area.

Not allowed during pregnancy – only once it’s time to naturally promote labor.

The point lies below the outside of the knee in a depression below (inferior) and in front of (anterior) to the head of the fibula. I usually recommend pressing on it between 10 second to 1 minute about twice daily. *for help locating  – Gb34  Acupressure point on YouTube

Great for Stress and quieting the mind which sometimes is exactly what’s needed in such situations. 

Allowed always 

located directly between the inner borders of your eyebrows. I advise pressing this point until you feel the “valume effect” has kicked in. use as many times as needed.

*for help locating –  YinTang Acupressure point on YouTube

Loss of Joy ("fire") - Fire element


  • Separated from spouse and fine with the separation but the sense of joy that was lost in the process never returned
  • sold her business (that meant the world to her)  when moved from out of state and has not found anything new that makes her happy


Helps balance the “fire” and bring back joy. 

Allowed always

In the middle of the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis. I advise using this point for about 10 second once daily.

*for help locating – Pc7 Acupressure point on YouTube

Worrying / Self Pitty - Earth Element


  • Her water broke and now the doctors told her to wait in the room, nothing seems to be happening, things are not going the way she planned, and she feels like these things are always happening to her and now feeling sorry for herself
  • Obsessing over the worry that her in-laws will not keep the children’s schedule, things will not be done the way they should, her kids probably need her, the house is probably falling apart…


Acupressure point for constipation

Helps with the emotional imbalance and promotes effective contractions.

Not allowed during pregnancy – only once it’s time to naturally promote labor. you could substitute with st36 (see below)– if it is not yet time to start naturally preparing

On the medial aspect of the lower leg, locate the highest peak of the ankle then four finger widths  above the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia. I advise pressing every 2 hours.

*for help locating – Sp6 Acupressure point on YouTube


Sadness/Grief - Metal Element


Moved here from the east coast for her spouse and never let herself grieve over all that she lost during the move: her job, friends, her dog.

Holding on to a bad experience in her previous delivery, goes to the hospital since her contractions are 5 minutes apart but it comes to a complete stop upon check-in. Reacts very well to Acupuncture but the memories of her previous experience are blocking her right now.


Helps with “letting go”.

Allowed always.

Located at the wrist in the depression between the radial artery and the abductor pollicis longus tendon. I advise using once daily for 10 seconds.

*for help locating – Lu9 Acupressure point on YouTube


Fear - Water Element


  • Afraid of Labor pain
  • Afraid of complications

Helps dealing with fears

Allowed Always

On the medial aspect of the lower leg, 2 finger widths above the medial malleolus anterior to tendo calcaneus. Press as needed.

*for help locating – Kid7 Acupressure point on YouTube

5 elements small
Emotional Mish-Mash


I am worried the baby will come before my daughter’s rehearsal, but I can’t have the baby before I complete my project, and I’m afraid of going pass my due date but also don’t want to share my birthday with the baby, so it can’t be before the 27th but also not on the 30th and definitely not on the 1st, but…

this point will help convey a message: “Please swim down to me, I am ready for you!”.

Not allowed during pregnancy – only once it’s time to naturally promote labor.


on the sole of the foot, about 1/3 of the way from the base of the second toe and 2/3 of the way up from the bottom of the foot between the second and third metatarsals.

*for help locating – Kid1 Acupressure point on YouTube

Sometimes everything is balanced emotionally and there is only something physical going on.

Artboard 3
Physical Weakness


45 year old mama 4th pregnancy, feeling physically drained. feels too weak


This point is great to boost your energy,  so it’s great for fatigue as well, while also alleviating stress

Allowed Always

Located four finger widths down from the bottom of your knee cap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone

*for help locating – St36 Acupressure point on YouTube

Do I use all the points together?

I personally like using a minimal number of points as I choose each point carefully according to the “message” it “conveys” and I don’t like sending too much “messages” at the same time. Many times I would choose one point and when I feel things have shifted I might add more.  Listen to your body and intuition to choose  between 1-5 points that will address what your body needs at the moment.

Wishing you an amazing and healthy delivery and enjoy your sweet sweet bundle of joy!

Disclaimer: Information and statements made here are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. The views and nutritional advice expressed in this blog are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you pregnant or have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.